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holiday album sale


The holiday Album Sale

All albums are 50% off!

The holiday album sale runs from Sunday December 18th through Tuesday December 20th 2022.

Heirloom Wedding Albums

12x12: $2,000 on sale for $1,000

10x10: $1,500 on sale for $750.00

Your Album Includes

Online proofing to make sure it’s perfect

Custom design service

First 40 photographs

Choice of leather cover

Album orders will be designed and shipped after the holidays. Designing will begin on January 4th 2023.

If your wedding is in 2023 you can pre-purchase your album now. Design and delivery will be after your wedding.

Payment for album (s) order is due in full to lock in the 50% discount.

Order Form

Please use the form below to place your order. I will be in touch shortly after you place your order to confirm it and send payment details. (No payment is taken upon submitting your form).