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Filtering by Category: 2014 Portraits on Film

2014 Portraits on Film {Tori}

Chris Nachtwey

Film | Is | Love

The 2014 Portraits on film project.

Tori works full time as a forensic chemist at Pfizer, but is also a voice actress. She is currently working on narrating an audiobook called "Destiny's Flower". She has voiced a couple characters for computer games, completed several Internet commercials, and has a TV commercial currently playing in Fairfield, CT. Tori's voice acting website can be found here.

Fun Fact: Tori and her boyfriend hosted a Japanese foreign exchange student for a year while he attended high school and has also gone skydiving! 

Tori, was actually the first person to reach out to me via my Facebook page to participate in the project. From the get go I knew she was down with the whole idea and seemed really excited to be in front of my camera.

We met up at Haley Farm State Park in Groton, CT on a cold and rainy day. I’m game for shooting in any weather and Tori was totally down for shooting in the bad weather as well. After chatting for a few minutes, Tori let me help her pick out her outfit, which I should add was really cool! To have that type of input during a session was something new and fun for me.

It was another awesome session for the project and I’m really pumped with the way these images came out! If you’re interested in participating in the 2014 portraits on film project you can contact me here or on my Facebook page.

Gear: Nikon F100 | Kodak Portra 400 | Nikon 85mm f/1.8 | Film developing and scanning by Coopers Imaging in Norwich, CT.

I cannot say enough kind words about Coopers! If you need any film processed and scanned go see the good people at Coopers!

2014 Portraits on Film {Ben}

Chris Nachtwey

Welcome to the 2014 Portraits on film project. I know I’m starting a little early.

For 2014 my personal side project in addition to my normal paying work will be making portraits on 35mm film. I personally love shooting film. Not only is there the look of film that is hard to emulate in digital work, but the process of shooting film is great. Shooting film forces you to really slow down and get the image right in the camera and I think you can really connect with a client because your not looking down at the LCD on your digital camera to see what the image looks like all the time. I still love digital, and will still be using all my digital gear for weddings and paying clients, but theres just something so special about a photo made on film in my opinion.

If you’re interested in participating in the project you can find more information here.

Ben and I have been friends for a long time, and he said he would like to participate in the project. Ben’s a fellow creative and when we noticed this abandoned drive in movie theater we both looked at each other and said “we need to shoot there!”

Ben and I spent about a half hour wandering around checking the place out and making some great images.  I had about an hour to shoot then run the film to a great local film lab, Coopers Imaging in Norwich Connecticut to develop and scan the images for me overnight.

It was a great session to kick off the project! If you’re interested in participating in the 2014 portraits on film project please feel free to let me know. 

Info: Nikon F100 | Kodak Portra 400 | Nikon 85mm f/1.8