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Why I Love Family Portraits

The Blog

Why I Love Family Portraits

Chris Nachtwey

This | Is | Me

Labor Day has come and gone, children have headed back to school, and Fall is on it’s way. Personally, Fall is my favorite season here in New England; football, cider donuts, foliage, pumpkin carving, Halloween, and turkey on Thanksgiving, it’s just awesome! I’ve loved the Fall my whole life, maybe it’s a New England thing, but even though I’m sad to see Summer go, I love to see Fall stroll into town.

Fall also means I get to do one of my favorite genres of photography: family portraits. I love photographing families because it’s fun! It’s the little kids and all their energy, joking around with Mom and Dad, and chatting about college again with the older kids that makes it fun. It’s all about creating images of you and your family all together having a good time, plain and simple.


What’s a Family Portrait Session Like With Chris and Why No Mini Sessions

I know how important family portraits are; most likely you will be using the photos from our time together for your holiday cards or hanging them in your living room. (I love seeing a family holiday card show up in my mailbox with one of my images on it, that means the world to me as a photographer)! The importance of family photos is why I don’t offer mini sessions, I understand mini sessions, I really do, but they’re just not me.

Mini sessions in my opinion are not the best way to capture your family; you would be one of 10 families coming to the same location, on the same day, and only receiving 15 minutes of my time and maybe 5 images to use. Sure, could I create some great images in that amount of time, you bet, as a wedding photographer I’m use to having less time then that, but that’s not what I want to do for a family session.

I like to give my clients an hour of my time, I let them decided where they would like to have their photos taken, and I spend time crafting individual portraits of each family member, as well as fun relaxed portraits of the whole crew together.


That’s why every year I offer a Fall Family Portrait Special. I know I’m one of the more expensive options in the area, but I love to provide my clients with everything I have as a photographer for an hour vs. a quarter of what I have for 15 minutes. So, if you’re looking for a different type of family portrait session that is fun, relaxed, and only focused on your family that day this year, drop me a line. The Fall in Connecticut Sessions info is below and I would love to create images of your family if you’re interested.