Branford House Wedding | Groton, CT | Austin and Mark Married
Chris Nachtwey
Branford House Wedding | Groton, CT | Austin and Mark Married

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Filtering by Tag: branford house avery point
Branford House | Groton, CT Avery Point | Artistic Wedding Photography | Amanda & Todd
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing Karin and Mike, capturing their love and carefree personalities! I can't wait to photograph their wedding next month!
In July I received a call from Kristina, asking if I was available to shoot an engagement session later that week before Joe left for a six month deployment. Being full-time I said of course, and that I would be more than happy to spend time with them capturing their love and excitement over their recent engagement.
I met Kristina and Joe at Avery Point in Groton, Connecticut. Let me tell you, they rocked their engagement session like pros! I personally loved that we had a great sunset at the end of the session to make some amazing images with!