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Wedding Day Tips

Wedding Day Tips

A few quick tips that may help on the big day! 

  • Relax, have a drink, or two, enjoy your day to the fullest! 
  • Don't do anything you don't want to do. This is your day, enjoy it! 
  • Create a bridal emergency kit including: a small sewing kit, stain remover, eye drops, safety pins, bobby pins, neutral color hair ties, mini deodorant, pain reliever, tooth brush, tooth paste, floss, mints, suntan lotion, and any other item's you think you or a wedding party member might need. 
  • If you don't have a wedding coordinator or planner, assigned one or more wedding party members or family members with small tasks you should not have to worry about.
  • Plan some extra time into your timeline for hair and make up. Many times this can run longer then planned.
  • Put on some good music in the bridal suite, hotel room, or your home to jam out to during getting ready. 
  • Bring or order some food to snack on during getting ready!
  • Have plenty of water and maybe some soda, coffee, tea, champagne, and beer for you and the wedding party to drink during getting ready.
  • Put all the detail items you would like photographed in one spot. I can grab them as needed, put them back, and you know they're back in that spot, ready to go for getting dressed.
  • Sip water alongside any alcohol you might have to drink throughout the day.
  • The day will go by faster then you think, it sure did for April and I, and many of my couples say the same thing. Sneak away for 5-10 min sometime after the ceremony, usually right before or during the reception to take a moment and relax with each other. April and I did this with a glass of champagne, and it was a great idea we planned. We were able to slow down, have a drink, and enjoy the fact that we finally said I do before we hit the reception!
  • Take a few minutes to actually sit and eat the awesome food you chose. So many times my couples don't eat and are starving by the time I say good bye. 
  • Have snacks waiting for you in your room at the end of the night. April and I ate at our wedding and by the time we were relaxing in our room at the end of the night, we were starving from dancing and mingling all night and had to order room service!
  • I can't say it enough, relax, have a good time, and enjoy the day! You will always have myself and my second photographer around, if you need anything please ask us and we will do our best to help :-)